Lunar wave crests Full Moon in Leo Season. In Vedic science, Jyotish, it is considered auspicious to have a full moon on the day of the week assigned to the moon, Monday, giving a harmonious flow to the challenging aspect, a T Square, with Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus, sudden, earth shaking change coming our way, I have experienced much more contemplation in my own experience lately. For those who are able to hold the charge allow the electrically activated Full Moon kick in your genius.
The conversation of tension, polarized consciousness at the fullness of time is offered an escape valve, a revolution! Integration of the mind, body spirit as waves of lightcodes flood the nervous system, align with our self care regimen, engage creative activity often and ride the wave steady on the truth of pure consciousness. “What is The Great Truth?” asks Jupiter…while Saturn in Capricorn for the last time in the next 29 years, says “show me, live it.” The amazing conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter happens every 20 years. To have Pluto join Saturn and Jupiter has not happened since 1250’s. That is seven hundred and thirty plus years ago.
Add the activation of the Sirius opens the “Lions Gate” which refers to a capsule of time when the rays of Sirius are aligned with the Sun and Stars in Leo in preparation for the alignment at winter solstice. August 6th marks the midway, the cross quarter between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox, other wise known as to Celtics as Lughnasadh, after the Celtic God of Light, also known to the pagans as Lammas, the first harvest (grain). Gather in abundance! The Lions Gate reclaims your sovereign Selfhood.
Creative spirit rules the day when we open the vortex with inner vision, the design matrix in our mind’s eye, it is avant-garde artistry, eclectic, the unusual and unconventional mad scientist, a disruptive bolt of lightning fated to shine through on your mind’s canvass.
The galactic mayan signature today imbues the frequency with inner knowing as we heal and manifest guided by vision anchored in the heart center, appropriately so for a leo full moon, blessed with earthly guidance, shining inner light of consciousness with Uranus electrical current crackling toward new reality beyond. Listen, sense the new energy edging you to engage new pathways, do it differently. Coded by a healing agency of motivation and intention, to become a lighthouse, not short circuit.
Courage, breathe in deep loving compassion and exhale into the world with the power of our intention and commitment to heal and contemplate the wisdom of change as inspiration to live this moment to the fullest. Powerful moon signals sudden change and endings, unexpected closure, separation, or forms lasting union. The inner awakening dressed in lightning like revelation and shock. The stars portend sudden events with an element of surprise, you did not see that coming!
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~Ghandi