Pluto Your Divine Purpose

Pluto enters Aquarius January 20 through September 1st, 2024. Think back to March 23 through JUNE 11th for what was being enlivened then, the rumblings of things to come an end or a new beginning. Pluto brings on those experinces which we avoid to transmute your life at the depth to encourage you, under no uncertain terms, to evolve!

It is stealth in its directive, involution and evolution its purpose.

I Am Soma

I Am Soma Pluto Luna Yoga, 1/12/2024 Pluto and Luna are having their monthly conjugal visit today! The star of death, transformation and regenerative force of nature imprints its directive on the emotional body demanding change toward an evolutionary journey.  The moon, just new yesterday is gestating the Capricornian directive it received from the Sun […]

New Moon In Capricorn, Jan 11, 2024

It’s a New Moon today, the most inward time of the lunar cycle. It is appropriate to honor the call within for solitude, clarity, focus and inner reflection; to just be with yourself and notice the fluctuations in consciousness for direction as the  scroll of the waxing moon reveals the potential for unfoldment and gives […]

Saturn arrives to our life

Saturn, our beloved task master, the element of awareness that transforms by way of tough self love, challenge, authority, and self-responsibility, is heading direct in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius today, laser sharp and focused on commitment and determination to reach higher or keep yourself bound to patterns, people and places you have outgrown but […]

Kanya Kumari- Virgo, #Hasta #Chitra Nakshatra

The Gāyatrī mantra is a shloka dedicated to #Savitṛ, a Vedic Solar Deity  symbolized by the Sun’s clearing of half the solar disc past the eastern horizon at sunrise, so that half of the disk is visible. In  Sanskrit Savitṛ connotes “impeller, rouser, vivifier.” ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वःतत्सवितुर्वरेण्यंभर्गो देवस्य धीमहिधियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥ Savitr is the personification of the early morning Sun, at its primordial sunrise, specifically when the Sun transits #Virgo (Kanya) […]

Full Moon In Pisces

Buoyancy, Open Spiritual Dimension.. Grounded, keep your wits about you, awakened to the ocean of consciousness, waters of enlightenment…purification! A delicate balance on the world stage as our luminaries, Luna y Sol oppose each other at the fullness of time today during Virgo Season, the Moon waxes full on the axis in Pisces, conjunct its […]

Disseminating Moon, Mars in Aries

Here we go, compassionately seeking reprieve, fresh out of the collective turmoil, waves of confusion which can at times numb the senses when over stimulated leading to dullness of the mental vehicle and a depletion of the life force… clearly there must be a better way!  Many have identified at the silent witnessing of the […]

Energy Highlight: First Quarter Moon, Mars in Aries

The lunar impulse awakens, not only to its own challenge in expression toward action, growth and breaking away with the desire to act, but also to the arrival of Mars in Aries in its full unfolding courage, passion, vitality and life force as warrior archetype past star systems that will inform and shape its six […]

Balsamic Moon in Taurus

The most mystical phase of the Lunar cycle, begins when the moon is 45 degrees behind the Sun, approximately three days before the New Moon on June 20 which will be a Total Eclipse of Sun in the cardinal sign of Cancer, initiating new beginnings for us collectively and personally. The delicious Balsamic moon brings […]

Moon in Aries

Pioneers Moon in Aries is ready to initiate, move forward on the inspiration retrieved from the soul collective, the depths of surrender peers to the subconscious programming with the bold warrior like quality to get on with it despite the nebulous vibes in Pisces, the uncertainty of it all. Navigating awareness at the threshold of […]