Pluto Your Divine Purpose

Pluto enters Aquarius January 20 through September 1st, 2024. Think back to March 23 through JUNE 11th for what was being enlivened then, the rumblings of things to come an end or a new beginning. Pluto brings on those experinces which we avoid to transmute your life at the depth to encourage you, under no uncertain terms, to evolve!

It is stealth in its directive, involution and evolution its purpose.

Consciousness & Meditation

“The art of thinking, in its practical application, lies in bringing the mind to the source of thought…” ~ Maharishi                    Meditation Orientation Session                    Thursday 5/26,  at 6:30 pm Live concioiusly in times of crisis! Information overload can wreck havoc in our nervous system creating stress and a sense of doom leading to high levels of anxiety. This is due to activation […]

Post Eclipse ❤️‍🔥Self-Knowledge takes front stage

And, so it goes… inner knowledge realizations pointing the way forward if you dare to live more authentically, to shed the layers, the walls we have build to keep ourselves safely tucked in less than we deserve. This require’s honesty,  truths to come to surface with Saturn in hard angle, the burning ground aflame as […]

The Power of Intention!

Full Moonrise Meditation, beachfront, in Sunny Isles Beach. Monday, May 16th at 7:00 pm Dear Friends: I invite you to join me for Full Moonrise Meditation, beachfront, in Sunny Isles Beach.  It’s Spring 2022, activation of the season of growth filled with pure potential. There is an Total Full Moon Eclipse, also known as Blood Moon, approaching on May 16th which […]

Live Intentionally!

Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga, Aromatherapy, and Jyotish Transformation is my business! Live the life of your inner joyfulness and live on purpose; Sat Chit Ananda, pure bliss consciosness. This is a a consciousness-based coaching platform offering personalized health and wellness education for self-care  Private, one-on-one consultations.  For an appointment, please contact me directly at 641-451-1016 or email at First consultation is free of […]

Capricorn full moon 🍓🍓🍓

#CapricornFullMoon 🍓🍓🍓 #Tarot  Suit of Cups! A celebration is at hand, so much love here for you!!! Some are experiencing Emotional Growth and Development, Unions in consciousness the ultimate wedding feast. Full activation of the potential initiated at the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter now underway. Self authority, confidence and mastery are ground work […]

Metamorphosis 2021

#TheAlchemist 6/14 #CrescentMoon  #LeoMoon  #SaturnUranus  #SunMercury Artist @ds__art 💝#Gratitude  Intense week ahead, everyone is experiencing an inner shift in consciousness, some are anchored,  others in a storm…all are alchemists. As the tower moment arrives we have to figure it out for ourselves! #selfreferral  A conversation of tension Saturn and Uranus, status quo vs. revolution, a deep desire […]

Alchemy: Mercury Saturn Retrograde

#WaningMoon #CapricornMoon #MercuryRx #MercuryinGemini  An activated prescription for the #trickster is at hand…when this force of nature is present in its own sign of rulership and stationary your madness own is revealed to you for reckoning and we either own our shadow and transmute it, project it onto the stratosphere in pulsing waves of holographic impulses, claim […]