I Am Soma

We are approaching the ascension portal the gates of initiation for a collective jolt to consciousness as penetrating, eclipsing #lightcodes to be decoded by our nervous system, closing timelines,  intelligence upgrade underway. Be still! 

The proverbial new path on the road is upon us, a kin to having an Elephant in the middle of the room, we experience a keen sense of its looming presence, a visceral revelatory moment in our lives. The Soular and Lunar paths cross in exact alignment resulting in the lunar disc eclipsing the light of the face of the Sun. The proverbial #forkintheroad is upon us, a kin to having an Elephant in the middle of the room, it’s there and we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell its looming presence, a visceral revelatory moment in our lives. Be aware of the events which transpire this week, some will seem fated, seemingly appearing out of now where, while for others the approaching situation is obvious, ensure to manage your energy and take time for a routine practice of inward turning, getting crystal clear within Self, listening to the higher impulses of our spirit forward.

How we chose to live this moment will define the possibilities due to inherently harmonious eloquence of vibratory energy turned inward at this time, both in the cosmology and on Earth. Prime time for  adopting new belief systems based on how we experience this inward adjustment in consciousness, an inside job, the planets are retrograde indicating the adjustment is on an intimately personal level and of global proportions as the eclipse is a world event. 

While in the passageway from the recent Lunar Eclipse on June 5 in Sagittarius Gemini axis we now move to the Annular Solar Eclipse June 20th, just hours from the #SummerSolstice, which as all gardener’s know ends the flower planting season, and the first pruning which results in growth, with new shoots pushing forth in the months ahead. These natural events are instructive to our innate intelligence, shamanic wisdom of the arts and sciences is an excellent plan of action in whatever form it moves you. Our spiritual practice pruning unspoken agreements, inner dialogue while moving to establish connection and guidance to the pathway ahead. A good time to have presence and awareness of the upcoming Eclipse on Friday is past due so begin NOW! 

How are you steering with your mind, guiding life forward? All hands on deck, it’s time to call down the fire this is your true home, the place where you REALIZE your connection to source is ever flowing.

When the outer appears confusing we look within ourselves for resonance at the level of our inner-core truth, no one can tell you, only your #Sovereign Self we honor everyday recognizing the anchor to silent witness within is true wisdom in our lives! 

“ You have to be able to realize that you do not know what you really want to do until you are very quiet and then it tells you.” ~KenWilber

How we chose to live this moment will define the possibilities due to inherently harmonious eloquent vibratory energy turned inward at this time, both in the cosmology and on Earth. Prime time for adopting new belief systems based on how we experience this inward adjustment in consciousness, an inside job, the planets are retrograde Jupiter, Pluto, Venus in retrograde shadow and an applying conjunction of Jupiter to the Pluto’s force indicating the adjustment on an intimately personal level and transpersonal elements impacting a collective change in consciousness. Travel light!