Natal Signature

Astrology, Western Natal Signature Tropical System


Natal Chart: Personal reading designed for you to gain understanding of the underlying influence and energetic predisposition, the attunement of the natal chart. Learn how to navigate the influences and attain a greater sense of purpose; a tool for self-knowledge and personal development.

Includes current transits and lunar activations.

90 minute consultation

Lunar Advisory


This evolutionary method is a personal oracle allowing us to take a deep look at the characteristics and archetypal energies of the lunation at birth combined with current transit to gain deeper understanding of influences for advancement. Requires Natal Chart.

60 minute consultation

Astrology, Jyotish Eastern Natal Signature Sidereal System


Personalized overview of the cosmic sky, the astrological placements of planets, constellations, Nakshatras (lunar mansions) and fixed stars describing energetic potential, patterns and propensities present at your time of birth, including current trends. Eastern astrology, as defined by Vedic Science, Jyotish, reveals the path of least resistance for the attainment of evolutionary growth of consciousness.

Includes current transits, lunar activations agem recommendation.

90 minute consultation



This personalized relocation tool is available for those who are assessing moving to new location to call home, conduct business, or a vacation and wish to live in attunement to the energetic imprint. This ancient method is a personalized service allowing us to take a deep look at the archetypal energies available to gain deeper understanding of influences for advancement. Requires Natal Chart.

45 minute consultation

Ayurvedic Aromatherapy


The outer is a reflection of the inner-life, Astrology and Ayurveda help us to understand this and to create a roadmap to navigate both the physical and psychical aspects of our nature, the physical infused with the life force. Essential oils are our allies, plant medicine for the soul to achieve greater balance and harmonize mind, boddaily living. Includes Jyotish Chart, Ayurvedic assessment, personalized essential oils and gem recommendations.

60 minute consultation

All Radiance Package


Comprehensive, holistic, multi tiered, in-depth approach to inner peace and wholeness, includes all three coaching platforms.

Natal Signature:

Sidereal & Tropical Astrology

60 minutes each session

Lunar Advisory :

Three sessions over three months.

45 minutes each session

Transformation is my business!

Health & Wellness Coach



Work with the cycles of life; Earth, Moon and Sky. This personalized monthly lunation chart* review is a valuable tool available for those who desire to live in attunement to the cycles of change, opportunities for growth we experience monthly. Up to date, personalized lunar Cycle transit and natal chart transit, a roadmap and guide to the current lunation experience. Ask three questions for emotional development.

*Requires Natal Signature chart.

45 minutes sessions, six months

Ayurvedic Coaching


Initial Ayurvedic assessment, rasayanas include dietary and behavioral recommendations to achieve greater balance between body and mind. Requires Jyotish Natal Signature chart. Ask three questions for health or lifestyle development.

Includes Gem recommendation and ruling Diety

45 minutes, includes three follow up sessions .

Mind & Body through the lens of Cosmic Consciousness

$108 per session

All Radiance Workshop Instensive:

Personalized Course includes

five coaching sessions which unfold over five weeks, specific to individual need.

90 minutes,

Transcendental Meditation®

& Technologies of Consciousness

Personal Development: Transcendental Meditation®

–Tiered Pricing Available

Learn the TM technique.

One-on-One, personalized instruction with a Certified Teacher

click here to schedule a FREE Introductory Session

Four Day Program includes three days of knowledge/experience following instruction and lifelong benefits.

90 minutes each sessions.


Corporate Wellness Program

Our Corporate Program is designed to guide you and your team toward the next rung of creative potential, health and leadership, increasing peak performance and self actualization; a Corporate Wellness & Leadership Program.

Introductory Session and One-on-One instruction with a Certified Professional, and four consecutive days of instruction, knowledge and experience coaching sessions.

90 minutes per session

ON-SITE: By appointment

I am Soma, Nectar of the Gods


Soma's Oracle: Monthly Activation

Personalized Reading: Maximize potential with this exceptional tour to the Moon. A unique reading of lunar phase, lunar mansion, transits, and alignments based on the current astrological placements and activations.