Pluto Your Divine Purpose PART I

Pluto enters Aquarius January 20 through September 1st, 2024. Think back to March 23 through JUNE 11th for what was being enlivened then, the rumblings of things to come an end or a new beginning. Pluto brings on those experinces which we avoid to transmute your life at the depth to encourage you, under no uncertain terms, to evolve!

It is stealth in its directive, involution and evolution its purpose.

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Pluto Your Divine Purpose PART II

Welcome to PART II of Professor Pluto in the Aquarian classroom where he will teach you that You are the Divine Purpose of the Divine plan. To make you aware that all power is within you is your mission is Pluto’s goal.

New Moon In Capricorn, Jan 11, 2024

It’s a New Moon today, the most inward time of the lunar cycle. It is appropriate to honor the call within for solitude, clarity, focus and inner reflection; to just be with yourself and notice the fluctuations in consciousness for direction as the scroll of the waxing moon reveals the potential for unfoldment and gives you the choice to emerge triumphant. Capricorn embodies the energetic potential of initiating a new course of action in the house it appears in your natal chart. This area of life is receiving a new directive at the New Moon asking you to harness its energy for the greatest achievement of your full potential.

Rising before this New Moon and charging the energetic frequency of this day are Venus, magnetically attracting opportunities, Mercury with potential messages from beyond, and Mars the life force warrior spirit ready to assist you in clearing challenges.

Listen to your inner voice, express gratitude for the guidance from your highest self, and know all things are possible. Believe in your goals, go for it!